Thoughts on Turning 30

Huh... 30 years old. I'm finding that this 'milestone' (aka, another 10-year birthday) is only as significant as I choose to make it. In my teens, 30 seemed forever away. Even in my early 20s, the big 3-0 loomed off in the distance somehow. Now that it has finally come, I'm choosing to be thankful... Continue Reading →

I Don’t Got This: How Soap Bubbles Gave Me Connections

Bubbles are a shiny, colorful joy... unless you see them pouring out of the edges of your dishwasher. In 2017, as a 24-year-old who had been living overseas for a year, I thought I had a pretty good handle on my kitchen appliances. I had learned (the hard way) what all the crazy symbols on... Continue Reading →

Life Lessons from an Eagle

If you hang out with chickens, you're going to cluck. If you hang out with eagles, you're going to fly. -Steve Mararboli I recently went out walking in local park on the Wisconsin River. While there's usually a variety of wildlife to be seen, for the first time I got to see two bald eagles... Continue Reading →

A Sliver of a Lifetime

People come into our life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Through various programs and organizations, I have friends all over the world. I have 'sisters' from central America to the Middle East and everywhere in between. I have 'family' in the States that I met overseas. I would say little pieces of... Continue Reading →

Coffee house Culture

A weird symphony of sounds: the hiss of an espresso machine steam wand, the light ticking of laptop keyboards, the murmur of voices, the latest pop song on the overhead speakers, the creak of hinges as doors opened and closed. You probably know where I'm talking about: a coffee shop, a gathering place for friends,... Continue Reading →

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