Dual Citizenship

"I always wanted to stand in the middle with one foot in Washington and one foot in Oregon..." Ramona Quimby is a hilarious 8-year-old fictional character with an over-active imagination. In the 2010 film adaptation Ramona and Beezus, she is home sick one day with her dad and has been asked what she would like... Continue Reading →

$40 of Stickers

When you work in retail, you never know what kind of characters or kind souls will walk through the door. Being a cashier for nearly 7 years, I would like to think that I've seen the spectrum of people. As a cashier, you learn to have a bit of a thick skin and not take... Continue Reading →


"I could be brown. I could be blue. I could violet sky. I could be hurtful. I could be purple. I could be anything you like." I didn't realize this song ('Grace Kelly' by MIKA) was "a thing" until Ryan Reynolds and Will Farrell did their hilarious version of the #gracekellychallenge. I'd heard a pair... Continue Reading →

Ode to 2020

Dear 2020, You were nothing like I expected. You gave me -- gave everyone -- so many twists and new directions. When we thought things were at their craziest, you threw another curveball that made all of us question what "normal" was anymore. I know that "normal" as we once knew it is gone, and... Continue Reading →

A World with Octobers

Anne of Green Gables has a classic quote that I have really loved and lived out recently: "I'm so glad that we live in a world where there are Octobers!" In northern Wisconsin, we have various kinds of trees that turn all sorts of beautiful colors in the fall. Today, I went for a hike... Continue Reading →

A Story Meant to be Shared

Nothing about the article was going right. The assigned journalist was sick and needed to hand off the project to someone else. So I said I could do it. Then I couldn't access the recording of the interview with Deniz, so I had no new information to put into the article. So I grabbed two... Continue Reading →

Who is Hannah Rueber?

On New Years Eve, I watched a movie with my parents called "Overcomer." Amid many powerful messages about the power of forgiveness and endurance, there was one question that was brought out several times. "Who are you?" The point of the question was if everything you think defines you is taken away ("I'm a coach...... Continue Reading →

Raindrops on…

"Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens..." "Raindrops on my nose..." "Raindrops on my window..." Rain makes a lot of things beautiful. Rain also drowns out a lot of things. Rain can dampen a mood or bring peace to the busy-minded. When the rain has stopped falling, it leaves behind glittering little drops to remind... Continue Reading →

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