Wedding planning: what “they” don’t tell you

My husband proposed to me in March 2022, and we quickly decided that 6 months was a long enough engagement. We looked over our work calendars, considered his family's work schedules, and quickly settled on a September date. There was a lot to do and a short period of time to do it all. Now... Continue Reading →

What’s Your Relationship with Money?

[originally written for The Wealthy Way blog] “Having loads of money doesn’t make you a better person… Spending it smart does.” -Ziad K. Abdelnour From a child’s first paid household chore to the regular income job as an adult, anyone who has earned any amount of money has felt the excitement of new possibilities brought... Continue Reading →

You Are Not an Island

[originally written for The Wealthy Way blog] There’s something to be said about the value of teams and teamwork. Companies stress the importance of it. They run workshops and seminars to ensure their team runs as smoothly as possible. Employers have their employees complete personality assessments to find an even spread of people across their... Continue Reading →

Life Lessons from an Eagle

If you hang out with chickens, you're going to cluck. If you hang out with eagles, you're going to fly. -Steve Mararboli I recently went out walking in local park on the Wisconsin River. While there's usually a variety of wildlife to be seen, for the first time I got to see two bald eagles... Continue Reading →

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